

Class group frequencies of real quadratic function fields: The degree 4 case

14 years 2 months ago
Class group frequencies of real quadratic function fields: The degree 4 case
Abstract. The distribution of ideal class groups of Fq(T, M(T)) is examined for degree-four monic polynomials M Fq[T] when Fq is a finite field of characteristic greater than 3 with q [20000, 100000] or q [1020000, 1100000] and M is irreducible or has an irreducible cubic factor. Particular attention is paid to the distribution of the p-Sylow part of the class group, and these results agree with those predicted using the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics to within about 1 part in 10000. An alternative set of conjectures specific to the cases under investigation is in even sharper agreement.
Christian Friesen
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where MOC
Authors Christian Friesen
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