

Teaching Motor Disability Assessment over the Web: MODASPECTRA

14 years 3 months ago
Teaching Motor Disability Assessment over the Web: MODASPECTRA
MODASPECTRA (MOtor Disability Assessment SPEcialists' TRAining) was a research and technology development project aimed at developing quality teaching and training of post-graduate specialists in Motor Disability Assessment. The specialists targeted come from a background of physiatry, physical therapy and bioengineering. The aim is to offer to the European professionals involved in Motor Disability Assessment both a complete degree and a number of courses on Clinical Applications of Movement Analysis in a Life Long Learning context as a mean for upgrading their skills in the line of good practice dissemination and standardisation. The outcome of the project is a Web-based Open and Distance Learning system usable by students, according to suitable tutoring pathways and schedules. The project also implemented multimedia databases of context -based experiences provided by recognised practitioners. These results have been obtained through co-operation among academic and industrial a...
Salvatore Valenti, Sandro Fioretti, Maurizio Mauri
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where ETS
Authors Salvatore Valenti, Sandro Fioretti, Maurizio Maurizi, Maurizio Panti, Tommaso Leo
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