

A Note on Cycle Lengths in Graphs

14 years 2 months ago
A Note on Cycle Lengths in Graphs
We prove that for every c > 0 there exists a constant K = K(c) such that every graph G with n vertices and minimum degree at least cn contains a cycle of length t for every even t in the interval [4, ec(G)-K] and every odd t in the interval [K, oc(G)-K], where ec(G) and oc(G) denote the length of the longest even cycle in G and the longest odd cycle in G respectively. We also give a rough estimate of the magnitude of K.
Ronald J. Gould, Penny E. Haxell, A. D. Scott
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where GC
Authors Ronald J. Gould, Penny E. Haxell, A. D. Scott
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