

The Hilbert Series of the Face Ring of a Flag Complex

14 years 18 days ago
The Hilbert Series of the Face Ring of a Flag Complex
It is shown that the Hilbert series of the face ring of a clique complex (equivalently, flag complex) of a graph G is, up to a factor, just a specialization of SG (x, y), the subgraph polynomial of the complement of G. We also find a simple relationship between the size of a minimum vertex cover of a graph G and its subgraph polynomial. This yields a formula for the h-vector of the flag complex in terms of those two invariants of G. Some computational issues are addressed and a recursive formula for the Hilbert series is given based on an algorithm of Bayer and Stillman.
Paul Renteln
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where GC
Authors Paul Renteln
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