

Design of field wrappers for mobile field data collection

14 years 2 months ago
Design of field wrappers for mobile field data collection
In mobile field data collection, data gatherer requires to get geospatial information service to support in navigating to the right locations, describing context of observed object and providing thematic information for sampling or analysis. The framework how to get this information is subject to the variation in users with different levels of knowledge about information services, applications with different need of information, and limitations of field computing environments. In this paper, we present a new concept--field wrapper, which is an extension of wrapper concepts to the field data collection environments as a means of isolating the heterogeneity of field users, applications, and computing environments from infrastructure functions. The goal of our approach of field wrapper, which is as an important part of the mediator-based framework for collecting and using geospatial data in the field, is to enable any device with any user in the field to readily and easily interact with ...
Peisheng Zhao, Sarah Nusser, Leslie L. Miller
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where GIS
Authors Peisheng Zhao, Sarah Nusser, Leslie L. Miller
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