

Generic query tool for spatio-temporal data

14 years 6 days ago
Generic query tool for spatio-temporal data
Geographical information systems are more and more based on a DBMS with spatial extensions, which is also the case for the system described in this paper. The design and implementation of a generic geographical query tool, a platform for querying multiple spatio-temporal data sets and associated thematic data, is presented. The system is designed to be generic, that is without one speci c application in mind. It supports ad-hoc queries covering both the spatial and the thematic part of the data. The generic geographic query tool will be illustrated with spatial and thematic Cadastral data. Special attention will be given to the temporal aspects: a spatio-temporal data model will be described together with a set of views for easy querying. DBMS views play an important role in the architecture of the system: integration of models, aggregation of information, presentation of temporal data, and so on. The current production version of the geographic query tool within the Dutch Cadastre is ...
Peter van Oosterom, Bart Maessen, Wilko Quak
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where GIS
Authors Peter van Oosterom, Bart Maessen, Wilko Quak
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