

Search algorithms for multiway spatial joins

14 years 2 months ago
Search algorithms for multiway spatial joins
This papers deals with multiway spatial joins when (i) there is limited time for query processing and the goal is to retrieve the best possible solutions within this limit (ii) there is unlimited time and the goal is to retrieve a single exact solution, if such a solution exists, or the best approximate one otherwise. The first case is motivated by the high cost of join processing in real-time systems involving large amounts of multimedia data, while the second one is motivated by applications that require "negative" examples. We propose several search algorithms for query processing under theses conditions. For the limited-time case we develop some non-deterministic search heuristics that can quickly retrieve good solutions. However, these heuristics are not guaranteed to find the best solutions, even without a time limit. Therefore, for the unlimited-time case we describe systematic search algorithms tailored specifically for the efficient retrieval of a single solution. Bo...
Dimitris Papadias, Dinos Arkoumanis
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where GIS
Authors Dimitris Papadias, Dinos Arkoumanis
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