

Rotation Sets for orbits of Degree One Circle Maps

14 years 2 months ago
Rotation Sets for orbits of Degree One Circle Maps
Let F be the lifting of a circle map of degree one. In [?] a notion of F-rotation interval of a point x S1 was given. In this paper we define and study a new notion of a rotation set of a point which preserves more of the dynamical information contained in the sequences {Fn (y)} n=0 than the preserved by the one from [?]. In particular, we characterize dynamically the endpoints of these sets and we obtain an analogous version of the Main Theorem of [?] in our settings.
Lluís Alsedà, Francesc Mañosa
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where IJBC
Authors Lluís Alsedà, Francesc Mañosas, Moira Chas
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