

Space-Time Equations for Non-Unimodular Mappings

14 years 6 days ago
Space-Time Equations for Non-Unimodular Mappings
Abstract. The class of systems of uniform recurrence equations (UREs) is closed under unimodular transformations. As a result, every systolic array described by a unimodular mapping can be specified by a system of space-time UREs, in which the time and space coordinates are made explicit. As non-unimodular mappings are frequently used in systolic designs, this paper presents a method that derives space-time equations for systolic arrays described by nonunimodular mappings. The space-time equations for non-unimodular mappings are known elsewhere as sparse UREs (SUREs) because the domains of their variables are sparse and their data dependences are uniform. Our method is compositional in that space-time SUREs can be further transformed by unimodular and non-unimodular mappings, allowing a straightforward implementation in systems like ALPHA. Specifying a systolic design by space-time equations has two advantages. First, the space-time equations exhibit all useful properties about the des...
Jingling Xue, Patrick M. Lenders
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where IJCM
Authors Jingling Xue, Patrick M. Lenders
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