

On routes and multicast trees in the Internet

14 years 9 days ago
On routes and multicast trees in the Internet
: Multicasting has an increasing importance for network applications such as groupware or videoconferencing. Several multicast routing protocols have been defined. However they cannot be used directly in the Internet since most inter-domain routers do no implement multicasting. Thus these protocols are mainly tested either on a small scale inside a domain, or through the Mbone, whose topology is not really the same as Internet topology. The purpose of this paper is to construct a graph using actual routes of the Internet, and then to use this graph to compare some parameters - delays, scaling in term of state or traffic concentration - of multicast routing trees constructed by different algorithms - source shortest path trees and shared trees. Key words : Routing, routes, Internet, multicast, shortest path trees, centered trees
Jean-Jacques Pansiot, Dominique Grad
Added 21 Dec 2010
Updated 21 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where CCR
Authors Jean-Jacques Pansiot, Dominique Grad
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