

Shapes based trajectory queries for moving objects

15 years 4 months ago
Shapes based trajectory queries for moving objects
An interesting issue in moving objects databases is to find similar trajectories of moving objects. Previous work on this topic focuses on movement patterns (trajectories with time dimension) of moving objects, rather than spatial shapes (trajectories without time dimension) of their trajectories. In this paper we propose a simple and effective way to compare spatial shapes of moving object trajectories. We introduce a new distance function based on "one way distance" (OWD). Algorithms for evaluating OWD in both continuous (piece wise linear) and discrete (grid representation) cases are developed. An index structure for OWD in grid representation, which guarantees no false dismissals, is also given to improve the efficiency of similarity search. Empirical studies show that OWD out-performs existent methods not only in precision, but also in efficiency. And the results of OWD in continuous case can be approximated by discrete case efficiently. Categories and Subject Descripto...
Bin Lin, Jianwen Su
Added 11 Nov 2009
Updated 11 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where GIS
Authors Bin Lin, Jianwen Su
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