

Index for fast retrieval of uncertain spatial point data

15 years 3 months ago
Index for fast retrieval of uncertain spatial point data
Location information gathered from a variety of sources in the form of sensor data, video streams, human observations, and so on, is often imprecise and uncertain and needs to be represented approximately. To represent such uncertain location information, the use of a probabilistic model that captures the imprecise location as a probability density function (pdf) has been recently proposed. The pdfs can be arbitrarily complex depending on the type of application and the source of imprecision. Hence, efficiently representing, storing and querying pdfs is a very challenging task. While the current state of the art indexing approaches treat the representation and storage of pdfs as a black box, in this paper, we take the challenge of representing and storing any complex pdf in an efficient way. We further develop techniques to index such pdfs to support the efficient processing of location queries. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our indexing techniques significantly outperfor...
Dmitri V. Kalashnikov, Yiming Ma, Sharad Mehrotra,
Added 11 Nov 2009
Updated 11 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where GIS
Authors Dmitri V. Kalashnikov, Yiming Ma, Sharad Mehrotra, Ramaswamy Hariharan
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