

The Emergence of Linked Fish Markets in Europe

14 years 3 months ago
The Emergence of Linked Fish Markets in Europe
AbstractAbstractAbstractAbstract This paper discusses the development of remote bidding electronic fish auctions. The first electronic fish auctions were introduced in Belgium and Holland and they emulated the clock auctions seen in Dutch vegetable and flower auctions. The evolution of vegetable auctions provided a model for the fish industries, with the next stage being the linking of auctions and then remote bidding. However, the fish industry differs from the vegetable industry in having less developed systems for product description. Two projects to develop pan-European electronic fish markets are compared with two competing systems in Iceland. The European Commission funded INFOMAR project is compared to the system being developed by Zeebrugge fish market. While the INFOMAR project started with a radical vision of selling fish electronically off boats in a pan-European market, the Zeebrugge project is a more incremental vision to link markets to build a pan-European network of exi...
Ian Graham
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Authors Ian Graham
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