

Services of A Broker in Electronic Commerce Transactions

14 years 2 months ago
Services of A Broker in Electronic Commerce Transactions
AbstractAbstractAbstractAbstract Current Web-based electronic commerce systems are lacking in efficient electronic brokerage. However, brokerage plays an important role in many electronic commerce transactions. Over the past few years significant research has been done in the area of electronic commerce, based on distributed object technology. Distributed object systems provide a key to building interoperable applications that can execute on a range of platforms. This new generation of electronic commerce systems is still in its early stages. This paper discusses the design and implementation of a CORBA-based electronic broker. The electronic broker is part of a research project called OFFER, which is trying to establish an object framework for business-to-business electronic commerce. The electronic broker supports search in underlying electronic catalogs and it provides a centralized marketplace with the possibility to use auction mechanisms to buy or sell goods.
Martin Bichler, Carrie Beam, Arie Segev
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Authors Martin Bichler, Carrie Beam, Arie Segev
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