

The General Product Machine: a New Model for Symbolic FSM Traversal

14 years 2 months ago
The General Product Machine: a New Model for Symbolic FSM Traversal
Proving the equivalenceof two Finite State Machines (FSMs) has many applications to synthesis, veri cation, testing, and diagnosis. Building their product machine is a theoretical framework for equivalence proof. There are some cases where product machine traversal, a necessary and sucient check, is mandatory. This is muchmore complexthan traversingjust one of the componentmachines. This paperproposes an equivalence-preservingfunctionthat transformsthe productmachinein the General Product Machine (GPM). Using the GPM in symbolicstate space traversal reduces the size of the BDDs and makes image computation easier. As a result, GPM traversal is much less expensive than product machine traversal, its cost being close to dealing with a single machine.
Gianpiero Cabodi, Paolo Camurati, Fulvio Corno, Pa
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where FMSD
Authors Gianpiero Cabodi, Paolo Camurati, Fulvio Corno, Paolo Prinetto, Matteo Sonza Reorda
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