

Quality-driven synthesis of embedded multi-mode control systems

15 years 3 months ago
Quality-driven synthesis of embedded multi-mode control systems
At runtime, an embedded control system can switch between alternative functional modes. In each mode, the system operates by using a schedule and controllers that exploit the available computation and communication resources to optimize the control performance in the running mode. The number of modes is usually exponential in the number of control loops, which means that all controllers and schedules cannot be produced in affordable design-time and stored in memory. This paper addresses synthesis of multi-mode embedded control systems. Our contribution is a method that trades control quality with optimization time, and that efficiently selects the schedules and controllers to be synthesized and stored in memory. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.3 [Special-Purpose and Application-Based Systems]: process control systems, real-time and embedded systems; D.4.1 [Operating Systems]: Process Management--scheduling; J.6 [Computer-Aided Engineering]: computer-aided design; J.7 [Computers i...
Soheil Samii, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, Anton Cervin
Added 12 Nov 2009
Updated 12 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DAC
Authors Soheil Samii, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, Anton Cervin
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