

Visual requirement representation

14 years 15 days ago
Visual requirement representation
Most software development errors are caused by incorrect or ambiguous requirement specifications gathered during the requirement elicitation and analysis phase. For the past decades, both academic researchers and software engineers have been seeking better software requirement analysis and representation approaches for overcoming the problem mentioned above. Another equally important issue in software engineering area is how to reducethe cost ofdeveloping andmaintainingtheapplicationsoftware. In this paper, we propose a Visual Based Software Construction Approach that uses the visual based GUI requirement scenario, created by a Visual Requirement Authoring Tool, to depict the requirement of the application software, and then generates the target application software according to the visual requirement scenario obtained in the visual requirement authoring phase. Specifically, the proposed software construction approach supports a Visual Requirement Authoring tool that allows requiremen...
Deng-Jyi Chen, Wu-Chi Chen, Krishna M. Kavi
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where JSS
Authors Deng-Jyi Chen, Wu-Chi Chen, Krishna M. Kavi
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