

Comparing Control Constructs by Double-Barrelled CPS

14 years 9 days ago
Comparing Control Constructs by Double-Barrelled CPS
We investigate call-by-value continuation-passing style transforms that continuations. Altering a single variable in the translation of -abstraction gives rise to different control operators: first-class continuations; dynamic control; and (depending on a further choice of a variable) either the return statement of C; or Landin's J-operator. In each case there is an associated simple typing. For those constructs that allow upward continuations, the typing is classical, for the others it remains intuitionistic, giving a clean distinction independent of syntactic details. Moreover, those constructs that make the typing classical in the source of the CPS transform break the linearity of continuation use in the target.
Hayo Thielecke
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where LISP
Authors Hayo Thielecke
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