

On the Existence of Linear Weak Learners and Applications to Boosting

14 years 1 months ago
On the Existence of Linear Weak Learners and Applications to Boosting
We consider the existence of a linear weak learner for boosting algorithms. A weak learner for binary classification problems is required to achieve a weighted empirical error on the training set which is bounded from above by 1/2 - , > 0, for any distribution on the data set. Moreover, in order that the weak learner be useful in terms of generalization, must be sufficiently far from zero. While the existence of weak learners is essential to the success of boosting algorithms, a proof of their existence based on a geometric point of view has been hitherto lacking. In this work we show that under certain natural conditions on the data set, a linear classifier is indeed a weak learner. Our results can be directly applied to generalization error bounds for boosting, leading to closed-form bounds. We also provide a procedure for dynamically determining the number of boosting iterations required to achieve low generalization error. The bounds established in this work are based on the ...
Shie Mannor, Ron Meir
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where ML
Authors Shie Mannor, Ron Meir
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