

Tracking Soccer Player Using Multiple Views

14 years 4 days ago
Tracking Soccer Player Using Multiple Views
In this paper, we propose a method of tracking a soccer player using multiple cameras. For tracking soccer players, occlusion is always the big problem and tracking is often failed when only a single camera is used to take the scene. Therefore, we use multiple view images for avoiding the occlusion problem, so that we can obtain robustness in player tracking. In our method, inner-camera operation is performed independently in each camera for player tracking. If the player is not detected in the camera, inter-camera operation is performed and tracking information of all cameras are integrated by the geometrical relationship between cameras which is represented by fundamental matrices. Then the location of the player on each camera image is obtained in every frame. Experimental results show that robust player tracking is available by taking advantage of using multiple cameras.
Sachiko Iwase, Hideo Saito
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where MVA
Authors Sachiko Iwase, Hideo Saito
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