: Multimedia applications including video data require the smoothing of video playout to prevent potential playout discontinuity.In this paper, we propose a dynamicvideo playout smoothing method, called the Wdeo Smoother, which dynamically adopts various playout rates in an attempt to compensate for high delay variance of networks. Specifically,if the number of framesin thebufferexceedsagiventhreshold(TH), the Smootheremploys a maximum playout rate. Otherwise, the Smoother uses proportionally reduced rates in an dfort to eliminate playout pauses resulting from the emptiness of the playout buffer.To determineTHs under variousloads,we present an analytic model assuming the Poisson Process arrival correspondentwith anetwork with thetrafficshaper. Based on the analyticresults,we establish a paradigm of determiningTHs and playout rates for achieving different playout qualities under various loadsof networks.Finally,to demonstratethe viabilityof the Video Smoother,we have implementeda protot...
Maria C. Yuang, Shih T. Liang, Yu G. Chen