

An approximation method for complete solutions of Markov-modulated fluid models

14 years 3 days ago
An approximation method for complete solutions of Markov-modulated fluid models
This paper presents an approximation method for numerically solving general Markov modulated fluid models which are widely used in modelling communications and computer systems. We show how the superposition of a group of heterogeneous sources (normally modeled by a multidimensional Markov process) can be approximated by a one-dimensional Markov process, which is then used as the modulating process of the buffer content process. The method effectively reduces the computation that is usually required to find exact (or asymptotic) solutions of fluid models. While this method is general, we focus our discussion on the models with only ON/OFF traffic sources. Numerous numerical results are provided to show the accuracy of the approximation. Key words: Teletraffic Theory, Control, ATM, Fluid Models, Model Reduction. Short title: Equivalent Bandwidth Fluid Models. ∗ This work is an extension of a part of the second author’s thesis at the University of Ottawa. † Supported in part ...
David D. McDonald, Kun Qian
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Authors David D. McDonald, Kun Qian
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