

Bubbles in Modularity

14 years 2 months ago
Bubbles in Modularity
We provide a global technique, called neatening, for the study of modularity of left-linear Term Rewriting Systems. Objects called bubbles are identi ed as the responsibles of most of the problems occurring in modularity, and the concept of well-behaved (from the modularity point of view) reduction, said neat reduction, is introduced. Neating consists of two steps: the rst is proving a property is modular when only neat reductions are considered the second is to `neaten' a generic reduction so to obtain a neat one, thus showing that restricting to neat reductions is not limitative. This general technique is used to provide a unique, uniform method able to prove all the existing results on the modularity of every basic property of left-linear Term Rewriting Systems, and also to provide new results on the modularity of termination.
Massimo Marchiori
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where TCS
Authors Massimo Marchiori
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