

A Layered Analysis of Consensus

14 years 3 days ago
A Layered Analysis of Consensus
This paper introduces a simple notion of layering as a tool for analyzing well-behaved runs of a given model of distributed computation. Using layering, a model-independent analysis of the consensus problem is performed and then applied to proving lower bounds and impossibility results for consensus in a number of familiar and less familiar models. The proofs are simpler and more direct than existing ones, and they expose a unified structure to the difficulty of reaching consensus. In particular, the proofs for the classical synchronous and asynchronous models now follow the same outline. A new notion of connectivity among states in runs of a consensus protocol, called potence connectivity, is introduced. This notion is more general than previous notions of connectivity used for this purpose and plays a key role in the uniform analysis of consensus. Key words. distributed systems, shaved-memory systems, topology, consensus, impossibility results, lower bounds AMS subject classification...
Yoram Moses, Sergio Rajsbaum
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Yoram Moses, Sergio Rajsbaum
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