

Minimax partial distortion competitive learning for optimal codebook design

14 years 2 months ago
Minimax partial distortion competitive learning for optimal codebook design
— The design of the optimal codebook for a given codebook size and input source is a challenging puzzle that remains to be solved. The key problem in optimal codebook design is how to construct a set of codevectors efficiently to minimize the average distortion. A minimax criterion of minimizing the maximum partial distortion is introduced in this paper. Based on the partial distortion theorem, it is shown that minimizing the maximum partial distortion and minimizing the average distortion will asymptotically have the same optimal solution corresponding to equal and minimal partial distortion. Motivated by the result, we incorporate the alternative minimax criterion into the on-line learning mechanism, and develop a new algorithm called minimax partial distortion competitive learning (MMPDCL) for optimal codebook design. A computation acceleration scheme for the MMPDCL algorithm is implemented using the partial distance search technique, thus significantly increasing its computatio...
Ce Zhu, Lai-Man Po
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where TIP
Authors Ce Zhu, Lai-Man Po
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