—Given n discrete random variables = fX1;111; Xng, associated with any subset of f1; 2; 111; ng, there is a joint entropy H(X) where X = fXi:i 2 g. This can be viewed as a function defined on 2f1;2;111;ng taking values in [0; +1). We call this function the entropy function of . The nonnegativity of the joint entropies implies that this function is nonnegative; the nonnegativity of the conditional joint entropies implies that this function is nondecreasing; and the nonnegativity of the conditional mutual informations implies that this function has the following property: for any two subsets and of f1; 2; 111;ng H () + H () H ( [ ) + H ( \ ): These properties are the so-called basic information inequalities of Shannon’s information measures. Do these properties fully characterize the entropy function? To make this question more precise, we view an entropy function as a 2n 0 1-dimensional vector where the coordinates are indexed by the nonempty subsets of the ground ...
Zhen Zhang, Raymond W. Yeung