

A rule-based language for programming software updates

14 years 2 months ago
A rule-based language for programming software updates
We describe the design of a rule-based language for expressing changes to Haskell programs in a systematic and reliable way. The update language essentially offers update commands for all constructs of the object language (a subset of Haskell). The update language can be translated into a core calculus consisting of a small set of basic updates and update combinators. The key construct of the core calculus is a scope update mechanism that allows (and enforces) update specifications for the definition of a symbol together with all of its uses. The type of an update program is given by the possible type changes it can cause for an object programs. We have developed a typechange inference system to automatically infer type changes for updates. Updates for which a type change can be successfully inferred and that satisfy an additional structural condition can be shown to preserve type correctness of object programs. In this paper we define the Haskell Update Language HULA and give a trans...
Martin Erwig, Deling Ren
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Martin Erwig, Deling Ren
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