

Explicit allocation of best-effort packet delivery service

14 years 2 months ago
Explicit allocation of best-effort packet delivery service
— This paper presents the “allocated-capacity” framework for providing different levels of best-effort service in times of network congestion. The “allocatedcapacity” framework—extensions to the Internet protocols and algorithms—can allocate bandwidth to different users in a controlled and predictable way during network congestion. The framework supports two complementary ways of controlling the bandwidth allocation: sender-based and receiver-based. In today’s heterogeneous and commercial Internet the framework can serve as a basis for charging for usage and for more efficiently utilizing the network resources. We focus on algorithms for essential components of the framework: a differential dropping algorithm for network routers and a tagging algorithm for profile meters at the edge of the network for bulk-data transfers. We present simulation results to illustrate the effectiveness of the combined algorithms in controlling transmission control protocol (TCP) traffic...
David D. Clark, Wenjia Fang
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where TON
Authors David D. Clark, Wenjia Fang
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