

A 50-Gb/s IP router

14 years 3 days ago
A 50-Gb/s IP router
—Aggressive research on gigabit-per-second networks has led to dramatic improvements in network transmission speeds. One result of these improvements has been to put pressure on router technology to keep pace. This paper describes a router, nearly completed, which is more than fast enough to keep up with the latest transmission technologies. The router has a backplane speed of 50 Gb/s and can forward tens of millions of packets per second.
Craig Partridge, Philip P. Carvey, Ed Burgess, Isi
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where TON
Authors Craig Partridge, Philip P. Carvey, Ed Burgess, Isidro Castineyra, Tom Clarke, Lise Graham, Michael Hathaway, Phil Herman, Allen King, Steve Kohalmi, Tracy Ma, John Mcallen, Trevor Mendez, Walter C. Milliken, Ronald Pettyjohn, John Rokosz, Joshua Seeger, Michael Sollins, Steve Starch, Benjamin Tober, Gregory Troxel, David Waitzman, Scott Winterble
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