

Critical Path Profiling of Message Passing and Shared-Memory Programs

14 years 7 days ago
Critical Path Profiling of Message Passing and Shared-Memory Programs
—In this paper, we introduce a runtime, nontrace-based algorithm to compute the critical path profile of the execution of message passing and shared-memory parallel programs. Our algorithm permits starting or stopping the critical path computation during program execution and reporting intermediate values. We also present an online algorithm to compute a variant of critical path, called critical path zeroing, that measures the reduction in application execution time that improving a selected procedure will have. Finally, we present a brief case study to quantify the runtime overhead of our algorithm and to show that online critical path profiling can be used to find program bottlenecks.
Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Where TPDS
Authors Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth
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