

Software Engineering is Not Enough

14 years 14 days ago
Software Engineering is Not Enough
Much of the software engineering literature begins with an admonition that what practitioners are doing isn't enough--that the state-of-the-practice is creating bad software. This paper does not dispute this fact. However, we believe that what the software engineering literature offers as solutions is also not enough. Books on the subject favor the "light" side of the discipline: project management, software process improvement, schedule and cost estind so forth. The real technology necessary to actually build software is often described abstractly, given as obvious or ignored altogether. But software development is a fundamentally technical problem for which management solutions can only be partially effective. This paper argues this point and then describes a basic set of technology that real software developers apply before, during and after designing real software, often against unrealistic schedule and budgetary constraints.
James A. Whittaker, Steven Atkin
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors James A. Whittaker, Steven Atkin
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