

Automatic Recognition of Human Walking in Monocular Image Sequences

14 years 3 days ago
Automatic Recognition of Human Walking in Monocular Image Sequences
Abstract. In numerous content-based video applications, it is important to extract from a video sequence a representation for humans in motion. This task is di cult, because humans are not rigid objects and they are capable of performing a wide variety of actions. However, often, human movements can be categorized into repetitive and rhythmic patterns of motion. Identifying the motion pattern of a human signi cantly alleviates the task of construction of its representation. We propose here a model-based recognition of the generic posture of human walking in dynamic scenes. We model the human body as an articulated object connected by joints and rigid parts, and model the human walking as a periodic motion. The recognition task is to t the model walker sequence to the walker in the live video (data walker sequence). We achieve this by determining the period of the data walker sequence and nding its phase with respect to the model walker sequence. We present promising results of how our ...
Jia-Ching Cheng, José M. F. Moura
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Authors Jia-Ching Cheng, José M. F. Moura
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