

Improved audio coding using a psychoacoustic model based on a cochlear filter bank

14 years 3 months ago
Improved audio coding using a psychoacoustic model based on a cochlear filter bank
Perceptual audio coders use an estimated masked threshold for the determination of the maximum permissible just-inaudible noise level introduced by quantization. This estimate is derived from a psychoacoustic model mimicking the properties of masking. Most psychoacoustic models for coding applications use a uniform (equal bandwidth) spectral decomposition as a first step to approximate the frequency selectivity of the human auditory system. However, the equal filter properties of the uniform subbands do not match the nonuniform characteristics of cochlear filters and reduce the precision of psychoacoustic modeling. Even so, uniform filter banks are applied because they are computationally efficient. This paper presents a psychoacoustic model based on an efficient nonuniform cochlear filter bank and a simple masked threshold estimation. The novel filter-bank structure employs cascaded low-order IIR filters and appropriate down-sampling to increase efficiency. The filter responses are op...
Frank Baumgarte
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Frank Baumgarte
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