

A genetic algorithm for shortest path routing problem and the sizing of populations

14 years 16 days ago
A genetic algorithm for shortest path routing problem and the sizing of populations
This paper presents a genetic algorithmic approach to the shortest path (SP) routing problem. Variable-length chromosomes (strings) and their genes (parameters) have been used for encoding the problem. The crossover operation exchanges partial chromosomes (partial routes) at positionally independent crossing sites and the mutation operation maintains the genetic diversity of the population. The proposed algorithm can cure all the infeasible chromosomes with a simple repair function. Crossover and mutation together provide a search capability that results in improved quality of solution and enhanced rate of convergence. This paper also develops a population-sizing equation that facilitates a solution with desired quality. It is based on the gambler's ruin model; the equation has been further enhanced and generalized, however. The equation relates the size of the population, the quality of solution, the cardinality of the alphabet, and other parameters of the proposed algorithm. Com...
Chang Wook Ahn, Rudrapatna S. Ramakrishna
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where TEC
Authors Chang Wook Ahn, Rudrapatna S. Ramakrishna
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