

Denoising and copy attacks resilient watermarking by exploiting prior knowledge at detector

14 years 2 months ago
Denoising and copy attacks resilient watermarking by exploiting prior knowledge at detector
Watermarkingwith both obliviousdetection and high robustness capabilities is still a challenging problem. The existing methods are either robust or oblivious, but it is di cult to achieve both goals simultaneously. In this paper, we tackle the above-mentioned problem. Our basic design methodology is to exploit prior knowledge available at the detector side and then use it to design a \non-blind" embedder. We prove that the proposed scheme can resist two famous denoising-based attacks, which have successfully cracked many existing watermarking schemes. False negative and false positive analyses are conducted to verify the performance of our scheme. The experimental results show that the new method is indeed powerful.
Chun-Shien Lu, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Martin Kutter
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where TIP
Authors Chun-Shien Lu, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Martin Kutter
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