

MediaWorm: A QoS Capable Router Architecture for Clusters

14 years 2 months ago
MediaWorm: A QoS Capable Router Architecture for Clusters
With the increasing use of clusters in real-time applications, it has become essential to design high performance networks with Quality-of-ServiceQoS guarantees. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of providing QoS in wormhole switched routers, which are widely used in designing scalable, high performance cluster interconnects. In particular, we are interested in supporting multimedia video streams with CBR and VBR tra c, in addition to the conventional beste ort tra c. The proposed MediaWorm router uses a rate-based bandwidth allocation mechanism, called Fine-Grained VirtualClock FGVC, to schedule network resources for di erent tra c classes. Our simulation results on an 8-port router indicate that it is possible to provide jitter-free delivery to VBR CBR tra c up to an input load of 70-80 of link bandwidth, and the presence of best-e ort tra c has no adverse e ect on real-time tra c. Although the MediaWorm router shows a slightly lower performance than a pipelined circuit swit...
Ki Hwan Yum, Eun Jung Kim, Chita R. Das, Aniruddha
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where TPDS
Authors Ki Hwan Yum, Eun Jung Kim, Chita R. Das, Aniruddha S. Vaidya
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