

Extending an ORDBMS: The StateMachine Module

14 years 2 months ago
Extending an ORDBMS: The StateMachine Module
Extensibility is one of the mayor benefits of object-relational database management systems. We have used this system property to implement a StateMachine Module inside an object-relational database management system. The module allows the checking of dynamic integrity constraints as well as the execution of active behavior specified with the UML. Our approach demonstrates that extensibility can effectively be applied to integrate such dynamic aspects specified with UML statecharts into an object-relational database management system. 1 Motivation Object-relational database management systems (ORDBMS) enable us to extend their off-the-shelf functionality by self-developed extension modules [6]. This allows us to adopt an ORDBMS to the needs of several application domains. Our demonstration illustrates how this feature can be exploited to equip an ORDBMS with a module which handles dynamic aspects inside the database system. In our SERUM project [3], we use an object-oriented specifica...
Wolfgang Mahnke, Christian Mathis, Hans-Peter Stei
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where VLDB
Authors Wolfgang Mahnke, Christian Mathis, Hans-Peter Steiert
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