

FAS - A Freshness-Sensitive Coordination Middleware for a Cluster of OLAP Components

14 years 14 days ago
FAS - A Freshness-Sensitive Coordination Middleware for a Cluster of OLAP Components
Data warehouses offer a compromise between freshness of data and query evaluation times. However, a fixed preference ratio between these two variables is too undifferentiated. With our approach, clients submit a query together with an explicit freshness limit as a new Quality-of-Service parameter. Our architecture is a cluster of databases. The contribution of this article is the design, implementation, and evaluation of a coordination middleware. It schedules and routes updates and queries to cluster nodes, aiming at a high throughput of OLAP queries. The core of the middleware is a new protocol called FAS (FreshnessAware Scheduling) with the following qualitative characteristics: (1) The requested freshness limit of queries is always met, and (2) data accessed within a transaction is consistent, independent of its freshness. Our evaluation shows that FAS has the following nice properties: OLAP queryevaluation times are close (within 10%) to the ones of an idealistic setup with no up...
Uwe Röhm, Klemens Böhm, Hans-Jörg S
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where VLDB
Authors Uwe Röhm, Klemens Böhm, Hans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt
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