

XMark: A Benchmark for XML Data Management

14 years 3 months ago
XMark: A Benchmark for XML Data Management
While standardization efforts for XML query languages have been progressing, researchers and users increasingly focus on the database technology that has to deliver on the new challenges that the abundance of XML documents poses to data management: validation, performance evaluation and optimization of XML query processors are the upcoming issues. Following a long tradition in database research, we provide a framework to assess the abilities of an XML database to cope with a broad range of different query types typically encountered in real-world scenarios. The benchmark can help both implementors and users to compare XML databases in a standardized application scenario. To this end, we offer a set of queries where each query is intended to challenge a particular aspect of the query processor. The overall workload we propose consists of a scalable document database and a concise, yet comprehensive set of queries which covers the major aspects of XML query processing ranging from textu...
Albrecht Schmidt 0002, Florian Waas, Martin L. Ker
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where VLDB
Authors Albrecht Schmidt 0002, Florian Waas, Martin L. Kersten, Michael J. Carey, Ioana Manolescu, Ralph Busse
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