

M-Banking Security - a futuristic improved security approach

14 years 2 months ago
M-Banking Security - a futuristic improved security approach
In last few decades large technology development raised various new needs. Financial sector has also no exception. People are approaching all over the world to fulfill there dreams. Any sector needs to understand changing need of customer. In order to satisfy financial need for customer banks are taking help of new technology such as internet. Only problem remain is of security. The aim of this work is to provide a secure environment in terms of security for transaction by various ways. In order to improve security we are making use of "Steganography" technique in the way never used before. Task of enhancing security include construction of formula for both data encryption and also for hiding pattern. Server should not process any fake request hence concept of custom "Session id" and "Request id" is introduced. Implementation of such a security constraints in banking sector not only help to serve customer in better way but also make customer confident and...
Geeta S. Navale, Swati S. Joshi, Aaradhana A. Desh
Added 25 Dec 2010
Updated 25 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Geeta S. Navale, Swati S. Joshi, Aaradhana A. Deshmukh
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