

Heuristic and exact algorithms for generating homogenous constrained three-staged cutting patterns

14 years 10 days ago
Heuristic and exact algorithms for generating homogenous constrained three-staged cutting patterns
An approach is proposed for generating homogenous three-staged cutting patterns for the constrained two-dimensional guillotinecutting problems of rectangles. It is based on branch-and-bound procedure combined with dynamic programming techniques. The stock plate is divided into segments. Each segment consists of strips with the same direction. Only homogenous strips are allowed, each of which contains rectangles of the same size. The approach uses a tree-search procedure. It starts from an initial lower bound, implicitly generates all possible segments through the builds of strips, and constructs all possible patterns through the builds of segments. Tighter bounds are established to discard non-promising segments and patterns. Both heuristic and exact algorithms are proposed. The computational results indicate that the algorithms are capable of dealing with problems of larger scale. Finally, the solution to a cutting problem taken from a factory that makes passenger cars is given. 2006...
Yaodong Cui
Added 25 Dec 2010
Updated 25 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where COR
Authors Yaodong Cui
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