

Ni-MH battery modelling for ambient intelligence applications

14 years 1 months ago
Ni-MH battery modelling for ambient intelligence applications
Mobile devices, like sensor networks and MEMS actuators use mobile power supplies to ensure energy for their operation. These are mostly batteries. The lifetime of the devices depends on the power consumption and on the quality and capacitance of the battery. Though the integrated circuits and their power consumption improve continually, their clock frequency also increases with the time, and the resultant power consumption seems not to vary, or slightly increase. On the other hand, the properties of batteries are developing much slower, necessitating the optimization of their usage on system level.
Domonkos Szente-Varga, Gyula Horvath, Márta
Added 25 Dec 2010
Updated 25 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors Domonkos Szente-Varga, Gyula Horvath, Márta Rencz
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