

The minimum spanning strong subdigraph problem is fixed parameter tractable

14 years 2 months ago
The minimum spanning strong subdigraph problem is fixed parameter tractable
A digraph D is strong if it contains a directed path from x to y for every choice of vertices x, y in D. We consider the problem (MSSS) of finding the minimum number of arcs in a spanning strong subdigraph of a strong digraph. It is easy to see that every strong digraph D on n vertices contains a spanning strong subdigraph on at most 2n - 2 arcs. By reformulating the MSSS problem into the equivalent problem of finding the largest positive integer k n - 2 so that D contains a spanning strong subdigraph with at most 2n - 2 - k arcs, we obtain a problem which we prove is fixed parameter tractable. Namely, we prove that there exists an O( f (k)nc) algorithm for deciding whether a given strong digraph D on n vertices contains a spanning strong subdigraph with at most 2n - 2 - k arcs. We furthermore prove that if k 1 and D has no cut vertex then it has a kernel of order at most (2k - 1)2. We finally discuss related problems and conjectures. c 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Anders Yeo
Added 26 Dec 2010
Updated 26 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where DAM
Authors Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Anders Yeo
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