

On s-hamiltonian-connected line graphs

14 years 4 hour ago
On s-hamiltonian-connected line graphs
A graph G is hamiltonian-connected if any two of its vertices are connected by a Hamilton path (a path including every vertex of G); and G is s-hamiltonian-connected if the deletion of any vertex subset with at most s vertices results in a hamiltonian-connected graph. In this paper, we prove that the line graph of a (t + 4)-edge-connected graph is (t + 2)-hamiltonian-connected if and only if it is (t + 5)-connected, and for s 2 every (s + 5)-connected line graph is s-hamiltonian-connected. Published by Elsevier B.V. MSC: O5C45; O5C40
Hong-Jian Lai, Yanting Liang, Yehong Shao
Added 26 Dec 2010
Updated 26 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where DM
Authors Hong-Jian Lai, Yanting Liang, Yehong Shao
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