

Some Aspects of Parsing Expression Grammar

13 years 12 months ago
Some Aspects of Parsing Expression Grammar
Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) is a new way to specify syntax, by means of a top-down process with limited backtracking. It can be directly transcribed into a recursive-descent parser. The parser does not require a separate lexer, and backtracking removes the usual LL(1) constraint. This is convenient for many applications, but there are two problems: PEG is not well understood as a language specification tool, and backtracking may result in exponential processing time. The paper consists of two parts that address these problems. The first part is an attempt to find out the language actually defined by a given parsing expression. The second part reports measurements of backtracking activity in a PEG-derived parser for the programming language C.
Roman R. Redziejowski
Added 26 Dec 2010
Updated 26 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where FUIN
Authors Roman R. Redziejowski
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