

A General Method for Sensor Planning in Multi-Sensor Systems: Extension to Random Occlusion

14 years 2 days ago
A General Method for Sensor Planning in Multi-Sensor Systems: Extension to Random Occlusion
Systems utilizing multiple sensors are required in many domains. In this paper, we specifically concern ourselves with applications where dynamic objects appear randomly and the system is employed to obtain some user-specified characteristics of such objects. For such systems, we deal with the tasks of determining measures for evaluating their performance and of determining good sensor configurations that would maximize such measures for better system performance. We introduce a constraint in sensor planning that has not been addressed earlier: visibility in the presence of random occluding objects. Two techniques are developed to analyze such visibility constraints: a probabilistic approach to determine "average" visibility rates and a deterministic approach to address worst-case scenarios. Apart from this constraint, other important constraints to be considered include image resolution, field of view, capture orientation, and algorithmic constraints such as stereo matching...
Anurag Mittal, Larry S. Davis
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where IJCV
Authors Anurag Mittal, Larry S. Davis
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