

The design of a wireless real-time visual surveillance system

13 years 12 months ago
The design of a wireless real-time visual surveillance system
In this paper, we study the important issues in the design of an efficient WIreless real-time visual SurveillancE System (WISES). Two important considerations are to minimize: (1) the video workload on the wireless network; and (2) the processing workload at the front-end video capturing units. To achieve the first objective, we propose a cooperative framework for semantic filtering of video frames instead of forwarding every video frame to the backend server for analysis and monitoring query evaluation. To minimize the processing workload at the front-end unit, a hierarchical object model (HOM) is designed to model the status of the objects, and their temporal and spatial properties in the video scene. With the information provided from the backend server, the front-end unit pre-analyses the current status of the objects in the HOM by comparing with the selection conditions in the submitted monitoring queries following the AdaPtive Object-Based Evaluation (APOBE) scheme which is prop...
Kam-yiu Lam, Calvin K. H. Chiu
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where MTA
Authors Kam-yiu Lam, Calvin K. H. Chiu
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