

ProtSweep, 2Dsweep and DomainSweep: protein analysis suite at DKFZ

14 years 2 days ago
ProtSweep, 2Dsweep and DomainSweep: protein analysis suite at DKFZ
The wealth of transcript information that has been made publicly available in recent years has led to large pools of individual web sites offering access to bioinformatics software. However, finding out which services exist, what they can or cannot do, how to use them and how to feed results from one service to the next one in the right format can be very time and resource consuming, especially for non-experts. Automating this task, we present a suite of protein annotation pipelines (tasks) developed at the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) oriented to protein annotation by homology (ProtSweep), by domain analysis (DomainSweep), and by secondary structure elements (2Dsweep). The aim of these tasks is to perform an exhaustive structural and functional analysis employing a wide variety of methods in combination with the most updated public databases. The three servers are available for academic users at the HUSAR open server http:// open...
Coral del Val, Peter Ernst, Mechthild Falkenhahn,
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where NAR
Authors Coral del Val, Peter Ernst, Mechthild Falkenhahn, C. Fladerer, Karl-Heinz Glatting, Sándor Suhai, Agnes Hotz-Wagenblatt
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