

Visual analysis of controversy in user-generated encyclopedias

14 years 3 days ago
Visual analysis of controversy in user-generated encyclopedias
Wikipedia is a large and rapidly growing Web-based collaborative authoring environment, where anyone on the Internet can create, modify, and delete pages about encyclopedic topics. A remarkable property of some Wikipedia pages is that they are written by up to thousands of authors who may have contradicting opinions. In this paper we show that a visual analysis of the "who revises whom"network gives deep insight into controversies. We propose a set of analysis and visualization techniques that reveal the dominant authors of a page, the roles they play, and the alters they confront. Thereby we provide tools to understand how Wikipedia authors collaborate in the presence of controversy.
Ulrik Brandes, Jürgen Lerner
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where IVS
Authors Ulrik Brandes, Jürgen Lerner
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