

Primer3Plus, an enhanced web interface to Primer3

14 years 1 months ago
Primer3Plus, an enhanced web interface to Primer3
Here we present Primer3Plus, a new web interface to the popular Primer3 primer design program as an enhanced alternative for the CGI- scripts that come with Primer3. Primer3 consists of a command line program and a web interface. The web interface is one large form showing all of the possible options. This makes the interface powerful, but at the same time confusing for occasional users. Primer3Plus provides an intuitive user interface using presentday web technologies and has been developed in close collaboration with molecular biologists and technicians regularly designing primers. It focuses on the task at hand, and hides detailed settings from the user until these are needed. We also added functionality to automate specific tasks like designing primers for cloning or step-wise sequencing. Settings and designed primer sequences can be stored locally for later use. Primer3Plus supports a range of common sequence formats, such as FASTA. Finally, primers selected by Primer3Plus can be...
Andreas Untergasser, Harm Nijveen, Xiangyu Rao, To
Added 27 Dec 2010
Updated 27 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where NAR
Authors Andreas Untergasser, Harm Nijveen, Xiangyu Rao, Ton Bisseling, René Geurts, Jack A. M. Leunissen
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